So weeks 2-3 were awesome. On Sunday, June 10th we can our second American group arrive. We stayed at the camp from the 10th-18th, doing things such as moving dirt, mixing concrete, etc.
They even helped me and Brenda out in the kitchen! I was rally nervous about that week because it was just going to be me and Brenda in the kitchen cooking for 20+ people but with them there we had more than enough help. It was such a blessing having them all there! It was really awesome getting to know each of them. They are a really special group of people.
the second American group, from Colorado |
On Monday, June 18th, we took a trip to Copรกn to go to the ruins and do some shopping at souvenir shops, etc. We also got to visit the bird sanctuary which is one of the coolest things I've had the opportunity to do so far. Here is a picture of me holding some of the birds!:
On Tuesday, June 19th, we got to spend the entire day at the beach! The beach we spend time at was called Puerto Caballo, which is right next to a beautiful beach resort. We spent time in the ocean, which of course I was very hesitant to enter, ordered drinks at the resort, and relaxed as much as I could. It was great to get a day off after a full week of hard work. Definitely my favorite day so far.
one of the awesome little cabanas on the beach. |
the beach was absolutely beautiful! |
the cool drinks we ordered at the resort. mine was watermelon! |
this is Rece. both he and I let one of the other people apply sunscreen to our backs. this is the result. (mine looked the same but I won't put that picture up here.) |
Since the group left Wednesday, we took the day off to just relax and reload before it was time to get back to work. Thursday, yesterday started the new/normal schedule. Yesterday and today I have been in the office uploading pictures for JPC, working on Facebook and hanging out with Mauricio, Pavel and Santy (Pavel and Santy work for/volunteer for Mauricio and JPC).
the one on the left is Pavel and the one on the right is Santy (Santiago)
There is one thing I ask that you all pray for. There is a young man named Brayan who lives in La Entrada and volunteers at the JPC camp. I will share his testimony that he wrote but wanted to tell you why I would like you all to pray for him. Last year he graduated from high school and was planning on attending the university here in San Pedro Sula. He took a check to the university to pay for his classes, but when the bank went to deposit the check there was no money in the account. Since then he has been trying to find a way to pay for school so he can have higher education and make a better life for himself. I would really appreciate it if you pray for him. He has a really big heart for Jesus and also for spreading the Truth of Jesus Christ. Here is his testimony and a picture of him:

My name is Braham Yonadab Sosa Mejia, live in La
Entrada, Copan. I am 18 years old. I graduated from high school last year
(11/30/2011). I have volunteered for Youth for Christ about 3 years working
with each activity such as being the band, in which I am a drummer, in camp
maintenance (cleaning of bathrooms, cleaning the room, maintaining clean parks,
etc..); and all this together with the other volunteers and JPC Leaders. I also
attend JPC makes trips to carry the gospel to everyone Honduras.
I would like to work full time in JPC because I have
seen the dedication, passion, discipline and organization that is part of JPC;
everything according to the vision and mission as a ministry has and because I
know that God is doing great things in Honduras through YFC.
Because of intellectual and academically than I have
to move to San Pedro Sula to continue my studies and take advantage of the
desire to serve God through JPC and win young people for Christ; that is the
will of God. Because of rental costs (apartment), food, and transportation
university I cannot satisfy.
Jami, thanks for sharing the pics and stories. I typed a long comment last week on my iPhone only to find I couldn't upload it. If this works I will add some more comments. Love in Christ, Karl Figg
ReplyDeleteJamie, glad you are doing well. Holly and I visited MC on Caleb's B-day (June 8th) and saw the GOCC gang along with other familiar faces. We had a fun visit. Simeon leaves tomorrow for a week of HS campo with Jason Argo. Josh was in the hospital for a couple days this week. He got an infection that was traveling up his arm so they gave him two different antibiotics, after about a week he had a bad reaction and they kept him a couple days to get it under control. He is fine now. Julen comes this Thursday, we are excited. The week of July we are going to take hime to an amusement park and then go to MC and spend part of the week with all the kids. Please pray Julen seriously considers the claims of Christ and is sensitive to the Holy Spirit about his need for Christ.
ReplyDeleteLove in Chris, Karl & Holly