Thursday, June 14, 2012

photos at last!

I am finally able to post some pictures to update all of you on some of the stuff I've been doing so far. Hope you enjoy!
This is one of the many beautiful views from the JPC Camp

The group from South Dakota doing a VBS for some local area children

My little friend Kathi (I'm unsure of the spelling) who lives on the camp property with her family. I have really enjoyed playing with and spending time with this 5 year old. 

This is where I spend about 90% of my time here at the camp. I'm becoming quite the little chef ;)

A beautiful Catholic church in La Entrada.

I got to remove the skin from about 6 chickens last night. It was surprisingly fun! But let's just say they don't let me use the big knives anymore..haha ;)

This group from Colorado is currently working alongside of us at the camp. We ventured to town last night for some ice cream. Fue muy delicioso!

This past Saturday I went with Mauricio and family to the Joya Grande Zoo. We had such a good time!

This yummy looking thing was my lunch at the zoo. Fresh fish, plantains and papas fritas. 
Me feeding a real live giraffe!

This is one of the beautiful views from the zoo.


  1. Looks like you're having a blast! Glad you could finally get some photos up!! We miss you a lot but look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

  2. what's this about no more big knives??
